
Affiliate Disclosure

Top10CBDBrands wants to help online shoppers discover, research, and select the best hemp oil products that are tested and set at a good price. We are constantly updating our reviews, doing new tests, and exploring new products to ensure our recommendations are always as accurate and helpful as possible.

Running Top10CBDBrands is not cheap. From web servers and marketing costs to salaries, photography and other production equipment and software, there are many expenses to running this blog. To make money we have a number of relationships with CBD/Hemp product companies, and this page will tell you all so that you are informed with all of the information before you purchase.

To cover these expenses and run the business, Top10CBDBrands uses referral links. These referral links don’t cost you anything, but if you make a purchase from one of the companies that uses referral links for, these links tell those companies that you came from and lets us earn a commission from the sale.

Top10CBDBrands uses referral links for most, if not all the items and products you find on our website.

We feel fortunate in that we have an affiliate relationship (directly or through 3rd party affiliate programs) with nearly every company whose products are reviewed on – which helps us maintain our own personal integrity and reduce financial bias on Top10CBDBrands. We want to keep our readers aware of the incentives at play so that they have all the information possible when evaluating CBD and Hemp products.

Many CBD and Hemp brands may send us their product for free with the hope that we will like it and review it. However, there are no guarantees for these companies that we will write about the products at all, and certainly no guarantees that we will review it favorably.

Our true support for Top10CBDBrands comes from our readers who love to share the love by telling their friends and family, by sharing on Facebook or other social media sites and adding your product reviews and feedback. Top10CBDBrands was made for readers and fans like yourself. We thank you every day for your continued support. We love running Top10CBDBrands and helping our readers live a healthier lifestyle.